This may look like a motorcycle convention but this is just a portion of the parking lot at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Called the Center of Education for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Wally and I both bought "Bikes" here in Uruguay and yes I did crash mine several times! Which is probably the reason I was glad when we could finally afford to buy a car, a VW Bug or "Fusca" as you have read before. Wally has owned motorcycles in his past and is a very safe driver. Here in Uruguay, early bicycle riding no doubt prepares the populace to cope with 2 wheels better than I did.
About every 6 months, Jehovah's Witnesses have an Assembly that combines several congregations (a Circuit) so you have seen similar pictures from our last meeting at this Center. Having Several Congregations from various cities meeting together means it's a chance to renew friendships that perhaps distance and just day to day living impedes. I thought this picture of me, taking a picture of someone taking a picture, showed the spirit of friendship.
This is Uruguay, so of course, all 2 days of the program were in Spanish, so this is a picture of poor Wally resting his brain (napping) between sessions (lunch time), slowly, very slowly, we're understanding Español.
In an interview ( I was asked to do) on what a retiree does to fill their days here in Uruguay, I am glad to be able to have these occasions added to my life and find fellowship with my Uruguayan Brothers.
Wally is learning Spanish in his sleep..!!! That'ya boy....a coule of more naps and you'll be speaking it in no time..!!!LOL
It's called "sleep learning". Unfortunately, in order to speak, I have to be napping- so it's not very practical- but it is relaxing.
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