Well, thanks to the Midnight Run, this morning I was able to go back downtown, to the Indendencia (City Hall) and with little trouble, presented my documents (cedula, current US driver's license, medical certificate and passport with an arrival stamp less than one year old), paid a fee of about $800 (pesos) and within minutes, received my Uruguay driver's license, good for 2 years. The next one can be for as long as 10 years. Two interesting differences between US and UY licenses. The number of your driver's license is the same number as your cedula and there is no address on your driver's license.
Now, I will tell you why there were so many problems. The facilitator we had hired (Peter Stross) was supposed to help us get our residency and our driver's license, as well. Back in May and June of this year, we started pressing him to finish his job. He had told us all along that we needed to get a translation of the US driver's license into Spanish, which used to be done by the US embassy. Then, according to him, the US embassy stopped doing that. He asked the Intendencia in Canelones (our department) if an exception could be made and have them issue a UY license without the translation. He told us they would not. What seems to have been his problem, is that he didn't know you could easily make the transfer in Montevideo (where he lives). Because of his lack of knowledge, Denise's license expired and was unable to renew by mail out of the country. She is now officially pissed off at Peter. My license would have expired within the week.
So I, at least, am now allowed to operate motor vehicles of no more than 9 passengers legally in Uruguay. Denise, no thanks to Peter Stross, will have to take the test to get hers.
So Wally,
If I understand you right all you needed was a valid US driver's license, a health certificate, and a passport stamped less than a year to get a UY license without and exam? Also what do they consider high blood pressure since I have the same problem?
Franklin- All that is correct, but you must have a cedula.
When I took the health exam, I had not taken my medication that day, stayed up all night, hadn't eaten since last night, stressed from trying my bad Spanish on way too many people, so I registered 150/100. That was passing. They take into account that you are being treated.
Thanks Wally - great info! Hopefully we'll have our cedulas in a couple days and can follow in your footsteps - except the PaysandĂș part.
It is nice to know that others can follow in the bloody footsteps of those who blaze the trail in front of you.
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