We were among the first to arrive. I should not have been a surprise, in a country that regularly eats dinner at 10 pm, that things really didn't get under way for another 1/2 hour or so. For a cost of 400 pesos each (about $17 US), we were treated to: 2 complementary drinks (whiskey or martini), a plate of hors douvres, beer and soda, a nice main entry (chicken stroganoff, very tasty) and a nice little desert. In addition, there was a couple of hours of live music. A couple sang songs, accompanied by pre-recorded tracks and did a very nice job.
A sophisticated New Yorker on his way through the South on business, stopped into the "Dewdrop Inn" for dinner. When the waitress came for his order, he sarcastically asked if they had ever heard of a martini. The waitress assured him that a martini was the "Speciality of the house". Impressed he ordered one. "Would you like the regular or deluxe?" she asked. "What's the difference?" he wanted to know. "Honey, the deluxe comes with grits." (......rimshot....)
The songs were no doubt very popular Latin American songs, as most of the crowd knew the lyrics and either mouthed the words or sang along. We were probably the only ones who didn't know the songs and were not able to grasp the meanings from the Spanish lyrics. But the general tone was one of love and affection and seemed to generate a nostalgic atmosphere (hence the name of the evening). After the first couple of songs, the couples took to the dance floor and the dance floor was not empty the rest of the night. Everybody danced and some danced for hours.
Dinner was served and eventually dessert, but there was almost always some couples dancing. This went on for 5 hours, and though some left, it didn't really seem like it was slowing down a lot. At 3:00 in the morning, Denise and I felt we had "represented" well enough, eating, drinking and dancing the night away and so we finally slunk out with goodbyes and kisses for the hostess, determined to mark this on our calendar and be fully prepared for next year. Hey- with a little practice, we could be the "hot ones" on the floor.
Hi Wally. I like your blog. Is there an email address I can use or is this the best way to communicate?
Anyway, just saying from the states that we enjoy your blog. How's your spanish? Are you or your wife fluent? How expensive is car insurance? Did you do glass work in Washington (you're from seattle?) And finally, what's it like having seasons reversed?
I'm sure you've answered some of these questions, which I'll eventually get to reading all of the older posts.
Take care.
Thomas- Thanks for posting a comment. It is nice to know that someone is reading the blog. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. I think you will find many answered, already.
Send me another comment with your email address and a request not to publish it. I moderate comments and will not publish the comment, but will answer you in email.
Hi Wally,
A "Martini" in UY is really not a Martini but the Martini Bianco brand vermouth, no Gin nor Vodka whatsoever. If you really want a Martini as you know it, you may have to ask for a "Gin Martini" at an "upscale" bar and you may even have to tell them how to make it. Also, most bars do not have Martini glasses....
Take care,
very nice blog !!!
I agree with Leo, here in Uruguay, if you ask for a Martini, they will usually give you sweet white vermouth of the Martini brand (or any other brand they have, be it Cinzano or cheaper brands like Valents...)
Unless you ask for a "còctel martini", in a place where they make cocktails
Other beverage idiosincracies in Uruguay :
BITTER :if you ask for "a bitter", they will probably serve you bitter Campari, or other brand, not a beer, like in some countries "a bitter" means beer
CAÑA :Here is a strong distilled spirit, sometimes made by the government, or from a brazilian brand...unlike in Spain, were CAÑAS are tall and narrow glasses of beer
MEDIO Y MEDIO : Depending of the place, it can be a mix of CAÑA with red vermouth,or a sweet sparkling wine,like cider,sidra or a sweet champagne, the most famous is MEDIO Y MEDIO ROLDOS, a festive drink for brindis, usually drank in a champagne flute, but cheaper and sweeter
CINZANO CON CINZANO, a mix of red sweet vermouth and Amaro, both of them of the Cinzano brand
If you want to try a very typical uruguayan distilled spirit, similar to rum, try ESPINILLAR,an uruguayan invention, used to be made by the government distillery ANCAP...the same company that operates gas stations...They also made whisky, rum, grappa,caña, and Pineau liquor
VERMOUTH OYAMA : is a red sweet vermouth, cheap but good quality, made by the Martini company in Sayago,Montevideo...
GRAPPAMIEL : Unlike the strong and smelly grappa aquardent distilled drink, GRAPPAMIEL is a sweet mild liquour, made with grappa and honey
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