Friday, August 19, 2016

The Fat Lady Has Sung

No disrespect intended to any rotund readers, but we have finalized the sale on Casa Tranquilo and have closed the chapter on Uruguay. With 7 plus years of insight into the country via our experiences, we will leave the blog up for new people to enjoy.

As of this date forward, we are living in Macon, Georgia and I plan on posting, on occasion, about our new experiences in the South. The new blog is entitled "Heart of Georgia". The actual web address is: (heartofgeorgia was already taken, obvously).

Thanks for all your comments and for looking in on us from time to time. I hope to see you at our new blog (all 5 of you).

Wally & Denise


  1. I discovered your blog in January 2015 and backtracked to the very beginning, reading every post. I even tracked you back to Panama (that didn't last long.) I enjoyed following along with your renovations and learning about your love of Uruguay including the naming of your home. I thought: how appropriate that name is, and I believe you will come to miss the beautiful view and sea breeze. When seemingly out of the blue, you announced you were leaving and putting your house up for sale, I was completely surprised as no doubt, others were. For two or three months I would check back from time to time, expecting you would change your minds and stay but never finding another post. Until today, that is. You see, my husband, second son and I are planning to retire to Uruguay within the next six months and I wanted to show my husband what a fine job you did with the video tour of your house. It appears to be a great way to expose a property to a broader audience of potential buyers and apparently it worked well for you since the house sold in under three months despite the hike in price early on. I wish you well in your Georgia home. Perhaps one day you can consolidate your blogs into "WALLY & DENISE TRAVEL THE AMERICAS."
    (from the mountains of North Carolina)

    1. Hi Norma, I'm Clara, a 58 year old Uruguayan citizen living abroad since 1982. My home place is in Italy, the Swiss alps, close to Lake Como.
      I have lots of family by the ocean in Uruguay, LA Paloma is my goal every Southern summer.
      How do you like it? Hope you are enjoying.
      Could you please tell me how can I see the blog wally and Denisse wrote about Uruguay? Thanks
      Ciao, enjoy your stay

  2. Norma... I am sure you and your family will love Uruguay. We left partially because of financial and partly because Spanish was a losing battle for me. I could speak well enough.... but never fluently. Hope you do better.

  3. Clara - it seems that you have found our Uruguayan blog. I am not sure that we will continue, but I have started a blog called "Heart of Georgia". Not much time, here though, since I am back to work, full time.

  4. Just an update note, Wally and I moved back to the USA.

    Well we bought several homes 1 larger and then downsized for our retirement years both houses were on a beautiful lake front property. We lived in Georgia from 2016 to 2020 l about 4 years.
    Alas, as I finally, was approaching retirement age. Wally decided that we should become expats again. I wish he had mentioned that before I plowed loads of money into renovations. We tend to decide things very quickly, so next thing I knew I gave my work notice that I would be quitting in January 2020. We did look at going back to Uruguay but realized we would never have such a beautiful situation along side the ocean with beautiful views etc... So we started looking at other worldwide retirement destinations where non- rich people might make it on Social security alone. We seriously considered Ecuador, but then an upraising occurred there before we got to visit so we nixed that.

    So to end the suspense. I am now writing this from Europe in Portugal.
    I visited by myself right before the covid virus. I went for 3 months on a standard US passport, then got stuck for 3 more months and couldn't fly home due to restrictions however, I visited many places here and brought an old row house in a tiny , tiny city. I flew back to the USA in July sold our Georgia home and ended up 3 months living with Wally in airbnb's while getting our immigration papers together in the midst of Government shut downs but WE DID IT! We arrived in November and are now legal residents in Portugal!!! Here we thought Spanish was hard to learn but I am doing okay in learning Portuguese. One day I will keep up with a new Portuguese blog.
    Here's a link to that!
