Monday, May 25, 2015

For Sale

Virtual Tour of Casa Tranquilo

Well, we have finally made all our preparations to move. We are putting the last of our personal effects in boxes. We will probably take much less back than we moved here with. After almost 7 years here (on June 8th), we still had some things in boxes and stored away in cabinets.

So- the house is officially up for sale. I know some of you have followed us for several years, so if you have friends that are thinking about moving here (or you are finally making the move)- let them know that our house is available. I am being shamelessly commercial about this.

They say that location, location, location is important when buying a house and as you readers know I agree! Living just steps from the beach and enjoying the sound of the surf at night and seeing the daily activities on the sand itself of people playing soccer and horses galloping by all through the view from my dining room window, I can't imagine wanting to live anywhere else in Uruguay than in Marindia.

So, yes, I will miss this house and place a lot! If we weren't moving back to the USA, I wouldn't be selling this home at all!!!

That having been said, this house is now for sale. It is an open and bright (with natural light and plenty of overhead lights) airy floor plan. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms and a separate laundry room with it's own window and outside door and laundry sink (washer and dryer included). It is on a double lot. There are water views from the living room, the dining room and even the kitchen! So you can wash the dishes looking through the kitchen sink window and see the sea, but we also have a dishwasher that is included in the sale. The backyard is fully fenced with a tall block wall for privacy and has a dedicated fenced vegetable garden area. It also has a back patio with a covered Parilla (bbq grill).There are several patio spaces around the house to take advantage of the winter and the summer sun.

The neighbourhood is beautiful and is very walkable (and safe) with 2 grocery stores you can walk to that each have full butcher-shops in them. As most of you readers know, I walk to Salinas to the weekly farmers' market (called the feria) pulling my little wire cart behind me to buy fresh vegetables and fruit for the week and other goods. This same group of farmers then goes to Atlantida to sell in the afternoon on the same day, their wares. So we here in Marindia and Salinas, we get first dibs on the produce, then Atlantida gets what is left! So fresh produce is a big plus for my area. Speaking of walkable, you can also walk on the beach all the way to Atlantida a major town/city away, as it's only an easy 5 kilometres away, and yes I have done it.

The town of Salinas has all the small support systems you may need like a beauty shop, post office, restaurants etc... and I regularly walk there. So I will also miss the convenience of not needing a car in my daily rounds. There is also the available bus system a few blocks away on the main ruta/highway. Okay, enough of the sales pitch!

What a lot of preparation goes into a move, though. There are papers to get for the pets, who are going with us, this time. There are pet "passports" to get and the travel arrangements to be made with the airline. Happy to note that our dog will fly for only an additional $ 200. Now if only I could arrange to fly in a kennel, I could be Denise's pet.

We have noticed that houses here in Uruguay are rarely prepared much for sale. They just show them as they are, dirty clothes strew about, piles of dishes, etc... are often shown in the "for sale" photos.. In the States, it is common to stage a house by removing most of the decorative and personal items in the house. Denise recently learned that the practice of taking ALL of your photos off the wall may not be the wisest course. A few personal photos show a prospective buyer that a real family lived here and that their family could also be happy in the house. But any needless clutter should be removed, and surfaces cleaned and presented with just enough decoration to make the house attractive.

When we sold our house in Seattle, we sold it fully furnished. We expect to do the same here. We're not planning on taking more that 20-30 boxes back. Just the items that we have picked up on our travels.

So, if you have ever had a hankering to sample life at the beach in South America with the Southern cross above your heads at night and a never ending sky meets water view, then Marindia might be a good choice.....  and have I got the house for you....


  1. if you don't mind me asking, why you guys are leaving Uruguay?

  2. I found that I have been just too inactive, here. I spent many a day in pajamas, reading science fiction (not that I am complaining). But I couldn't see me getting any more active in the next 5 years, so have decided to go back to the US and get back into the job market.

  3. I have been reading your account for a number of years and found it very interesting. I have always kind of thought that my wife and I would maybe semi retire there in Montevideo during the Winters. Did you find the cost of living and real estate relatively higher now than before? Also any tips about trying to live there other than bring all of your electronics.


  4. In 2009 we decided to emigrate to Uruguay. Since then your blog has been a constant companion in this endeavor. We visited Uruguay 3 weeks in 2010 and in October 2012 we moved from Switzerland to Kiyú, San José.

    Now my wife and I are somehow shocked that our how-to-emigrate-to-Uruguay councelers Denise and Wally will leave Uruguay.

    Thank you for all your interesting, funny and helpful posts in the last years.

    We will miss you.

    Ferdi and Lea Strickler

  5. If I could do a few things differently, I would have started an" intense course" in Spanish, one-on-one, BEFORE moving here. Also, I would have brought a container full of furniture with me. Products are mainly manufactured in China and then imported here. They are of very inferior quality and nothing is terribly strong or well made. I would have bought a better quality car, so that I could dependably travel around to far flung places. Those are the material things I would have changed. I should have had my own small source of income as well, as I often worried what I would do incase I couldn't rely on my spouse. I started to get odd jobs and cleaning houses so I could have my "own" money. I'm 11 years younger than Wally so I don't qualify for my own Social Security yet.

    On the plus side, once here, I wouldn't have changed the place (neighbourhood) at all. I love Marindia, it is very walkable and I got along for 7 years without needing a car in my daily routine. Because I lived near the beach that added a quality to my life that could not be matched in terms of contentment. The Friends that I made here were very loving and truly interested in my welfare.

    I will miss being "kissed hello" (on the cheek) and kissed goodbye when greeted or leaving a place. Even relative strangers that I only met weekly at the farmers market soon became familiar faces who would stop and chat with me asking about my day and yes give me kisses! As a woman living here I always felt attended to and cared about. On several occasions Wally went back to the USA for months at time and I felt just fine staying behind on my own.

    I always felt very safe here in the suburbs. Old couples often walk down the street hand in hand and fathers here are very pro-active in child care. The people here are generally very kind, and friendly if they see you on a regular basis and they are even tempered (very mild).

    I will miss my life here in Uruguay very much!!!

  6. Oh, by the way, Prices here HAVE dramatically risen both in terms of products, produce and real estate! When I first moved here the price of milk was about 11 pesos then it rose to 13 then 15 then 19 and now is about 20.50. However, If you are very very thrifty (I'm of Scott and Dutch decent on my father's side),you can still live here on a small budget. That is if, you cook at home and live like the Uruguayans who view entertainment as going to the beach, visiting friends and having backyard asados (BBQ"S). Health care is still fabulously affordable and is great! However, electricity is expensive here as are most Utilities so only if you live with someone, or own your house outright (no mortgage or rent payments) and don't expect to travel or go out much (restaurant included) is this place affordable as say compared to Mexico or some other low cost destination.

    Come here only if you want, peace and quiet, no drama and relative security on a daily basis.

  7. Having been reading your blog for awhille, sad to hear that you are leaving Uruguay. It has been on my short list of places to consider for retirement. Lived in Argentina for awhile so my Spanish is good, but was interesting to read your comments, my wife liked them as well, tho she was less than enthusiastic about moving. Wander thru North Carolina sometime. I always have a couple of bottles of good Argentine wine around!

    Andrew (el gringo feo Estadounidenses)

  8. Is there a reason for the increase in the sell price of your lovely home in Uruguay?

  9. The price increase reflects paying a real estate agent his 6% fee. A seller (I believe) has to to pay 3% to the listing agent and another 3% to the buyers agent plus pay 22% tax on those amounts. So a much lower price can be offered if someone wants to deal directly with me and by pass dealing with an agency. An Escribano can handle the paper work. I haven't really finished packing up yet so I haven't listed it with a company yet. So now is the time to talk deals!

  10. Hi.The seller only pays 3%+tax to the listing agent. The other 3% is paid by the buyer either to their own agent or to the same listing agent you chose.

  11. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. I hope your move goes well and smoothly.

  12. Some of the sellers at the Atlantida feria start setting up at 9.00 am on Thursdays so I don't think we just get your leftovers!

    Good luck with your move and hope it goes smoothly.

    Janet and Wayne in Atlantida

  13. The both of you have been a great inspiration to many people. I would like to thank you for all of your efforts with this fine blog.

    After following your blog since nearly it's inception, I "feel" as though I know you and can't help but regret that you are moving. At the same time I do wish you the very best of luck with your future life.

    It would be nice if you kept the blog going and posted all about your move back to USA and "adjusting" after these many years. It would be a continuing adventure and it would be very interesting and also would keep your "online family" together, so to speak.

    In any event, good luck and God's speed.


  14. We are a family looking to relocate to South America. Can I ask if your neighborhood would be a good one for young families? If not, where in Uruguay would you recommend?

  15. I agree with the anonymous poster above. After discovering your blog, I went back and read it from the beginning. I've been so impressed with your details of daily life in Uruguay, and your conversational style. I felt like I was chatting with friends, and will sorely miss your adventures. Yes, please do continue the blog and let us know how moving back to the US compares with leaving it. My dream is to retire in Uruguay, and your insights have been so helpful! Thanks for sharing with us, and best of luck to you in the future.

  16. Dear Erin,
    Uruguayos are very family orientated. I have been very impressed with the active role fathers play in caring for their children on a day to day basis. I mean, you see Fathers with their young walking and shopping together as much as you see the mothers with their children. Most of the beach communities are very nice for families. Most have a neighbourhood social centre where the young can join soccer groups etc.. So yes Marindia, would be a nice place for your family. Also, there are mini school vans that come to your house and pick up and drop off the younger kids before and after school (door to door service). So the young are held in high regard here. They are also very polite!

  17. I have not really put much serious consideration into retiring outside the country until I read through your blog. I would probably not want to make it permanent either but I would certainly like to try it for a while.

  18. Well it's been a few months since you've made the move back to the US. I'm curious how you two have been doing. Would you consider blogging on this big change and how it's affected your lives?
    My wife and I are going to be moving from California to Thailand in November and both of us are always interested in those who have great blogs like yourselves! Your candid and frank style always drew me back to this place.
    In any event, I hope all is well with you two. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences!
    -- Terry

  19. Yay! I'm so excited to hear this news, guys! Where are you headed? We're hoping to move to eastern Washington State in spring (our spring, not yours...haha!). I hope so much we can see you guys when you get back. We've been really happy since returning. I think you will be, too. Life is, admittedly, MUCH easier here. And currently, much cheaper than Uruguay. :-P Keep us posted! And huge hugs to you both!
