Monday, January 5, 2009

Summer In Marindia

Another lovely day in Marindia. There was a warning about the excessive heat today- suggesting that we stay off the beach from 1-4, today. Being under a hole in the ozone layer means dangerous UV exposure, if you are not protected. However, at about 1, today, a lovely little breeze came along and once again we are experiencing a delicious summer day.

In Seattle the summer was fleeting and sketchy, at best. Here, however we have enjoyed day after day of lovely weather and for a change the water is very blue. You see, as close as we are to the mouth of the Rio Plata, many days we see brownish water from silt carried by the river. It is not really dirty, but looks dirty. However, on nice days like today- it could be a tropical setting anyplace in the world.

There is an ongoing fire in the next community, that started days ago on the 1st. It is mainly burning in unpopulated areas, but they are having a difficulty getting it under control. Fortunately for us, the wind is away from us, so we do not even get a whiff of the smoke. The helicopters bring load after load of water, but a stiff breeze seems to keep the fire going.

Other than that, we can think of no reason to complain. By the end of the week we hope to have some pictures of our progress. Denise complains that the blog has come to be all about the house. True. Unfortunately for the first 8-10 months  most of our efforts were relating to the house. Hopefully, we will begin to enjoy more of what Uruguay has to offer. But for now we will sit back and enjoy the summer.

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