Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not in Uruguay

Well, we received a BBQ, today. It was delivered this morning. Doesn't really look like much, does it? It really isn't. Just a mid to lower priced Sears gas BBQ. Probably a couple of years of use and then it will need work. And how much would one pay for this used, low-quality BBQ? Would you believe $250 (and that is US).

"Why would you spend $250 for that piece of ****?" you might ask. Well, it is the only show in town. I bought it from an expat who no longer needed it. And I will have to do a little work to make it work with Uruguayan gas bottles (garafas). This is because the UY pressure for gas tanks is apparently lower than US standards. So I have to have a regulator and enlarged orifices for it to function properly.

Before moving I had purchased a brand new stainless steel, top of the line Weber BBQ. But we were told that it wouldn't be allowed in our household goods. As things turned out, I think I got bad information or maybe it was correct. Not important at this juncture. I returned the new BBQ before we shipped our goods and have ended up having to buy a much inferior piece of equipment. The only other choice it to learn how to use the Uruguayan style wood BBQ that came with the house. It is beautiful- and I hope to have the patience to use it someday. But when I want BBQ'd meat, I want it now! Sorry.

Next week sometime I hope to have the BBQ fired up and a couple of T-bone steaks on the grill. I will go down to the local butcher, point out the costillas con lomo that I want, hold up fingers for how thick I want them and walk away with steak dinner. Now if I can only find some sour cream for our baked potatoes......


  1. Wally:

    Although I love to cook on a Uruguayan parrilla, I agree about sometimes wanting a steak in less than two hours.

    Please keep detailed info on what you have to do to get this grill burning properly. I plan to bring down my current stainless steel grill when we make it, and I'll have to convert it.

    Thanks, Eddie

  2. Gas Grills in UY!! Such heresy!

    You and Eddie are going to end up like those nice ladies up in Salem! (barbecued at the stake with real wood!) :)


  3. Never know... maybe after a while you'll give up on meat all together and go vegetarian since there is such a great selection of fruits and veggies here... and no worries about the grill!

  4. I think that fruits and veggies are what go with meat- not a substitute. And by the way BBQ is working great.

  5. Hello,
    What exactly did you need to make it work with Uruguayan bottles and where did you get the parts? Thanks.

  6. Actually- it was just a matter of getting a simple barbed connector to get the hose connected to a hose off of the bottle (using the regulator from the UY bottle) and then using it. It may not be the best, but the flame is hot and it works!
