Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year - New Name

Well, I finally made it back home. They say you "can't come home".... they were lying. And I am very happy to be back in Uruguay. Actually my return was planned so that I could renew my cedula (national identity card) on time and enjoy another 3 years without worrying about paperwork.

But first of all, some information about the first name change for the year. Our house. Previously our house had gone by the name "......" - in other words, it wasn't named. We had always talked about naming it and had decided on the name "Tranquilo", but never got around to getting a sign made. But Denise, as one of the many excellent improvements to the house had a custom sign made and installed.

Now onto the cedula renewal process. It was as simple as you can get. Denise secured an appointment at the Géant processing center, by visiting the local Abitab and paying the 233 pesos per person for the renewal fee in advance. She was able to make the appointment for two people at that time. Then, we each had to travel to Montevideo to secure a "Document de Llegada", which just says you have arrived here. Whatever. It's a simple process. Enter Migraciones, take a ticket, wait for your number, go to the proper desk. show them your cedula and they ask for your address (we both brought an Antel bill in case it was needed). They take an electronic scan of your index fingers (left one first), then you wait near the payment window while your document is processed and you step up to pay the $162 pesos (per person).

Then on our assigned renewal date, we showed up at the Géant office for immigration. Our appointment was for 3:00 group and it was not worth going too early, because the office only opened at 2:30. We came in when our group was called (they are assigned in 1/2 hour increments), presented documents, answered a few questions, got a picture taken and within a few minutes, we received our permanently sealed cedulas, good for another 3 years. Denise's photo came out OK... they managed to make me look like a fat old man. Hmmmmm.

Now, here is the funny part. Denise had not gone down to get a certified copy of our marriage license. It is on file from your initial application into the country. Last time when we renewed, we didn't need it. They just put Denise's name as our regular married name, with my family name last. However, this time they asked for the license. Since she didn't have it, they asked if she just wanted to go back to her maiden name, which is how most married women in the country are registered, anyway. The wife has her name and cedula and the husband has his name and cedula and the children are named in some form of combining the family names which is beyond my understanding, but results in longer names than we are used to.

So, Denise now is officially known by her maiden name. This doesn't change our marital status, but it does put Denise back on her own separate status, so that if something happened to me, she wouldn't have to go back and get death certificates, etc., to continue staying in the country. She is here in her own rights.

So a new year. I am living in a house with a new name and living with a wife who just had her name changed. And this is just the beginning of the year. Who knows what 2015 will bring? I can hardly wait.


  1. hahaha.... naming is VERY Simple

    I'm always baffled by the fact that women STILL go by their husband's last name in the north... and I find it horrible that they have to "go back" to their old name when they divorce.

    In Uruguay, a long long time ago, when my grandma was young women often added their husband's last name at the END of their own.

    For example
    Maria Alejandra Castillo would become
    MAria ALejandra Castillo OF (de) Gonzalez (gonzalez being her husband is last name)

    Since Uruguayan women consider ourself independent beings, we don't belong to our husbands so the practice was droped by the time my mother married in the early 80s (or even earlier, I don't know).

    About naming children, it couldnt be easier to figure out

    First Name + Second Name (optional)
    + Father's First Last Name + Mother's first Last Name.


    Andrés Alejandro Rodriguez (dad's last name) Hernandez (mom's last name)

    Lately, as the law see women and men as equal, you can actually change the order of the last Names, (so now mom's last name can be first if you want).

    Naming seems long because we can opt to add a second first name to our child, I guess its a practice we inherited from the spanish, but today most people name with two first names in case their child doeesn't like the first name hahaha.

    I hope my explanation wasn't confusing haha

  2. Hi Wally and Denise
    I like the new name for your house.
    They were thinking about changing the name of Guam to Guahan... Not much better though, so they decided just keep it the way it is. It would have been better to change it to Tranquilo I think.
    Hope all is going well
    Your Guam buddy,
    Ron Hertz
