Monday, May 16, 2011

Quick Banana Update!

                                I'm sorry that this is just a quick filler post!

My eye has now tuned a lovely shade of purple and it's decided to include the area beneath it as well! I can't pretend that I'm wearing an exotic shade of eye shadow any longer with that ring under it.

I am also due for my next Spanish mini Bible presentation this Thursday night.  It's only 5 minutes long but I'm still stressing about it, (remember, I can't even walk and talk Spanish without tripping) I'll practice it tonight with a friend so I can get corrections before Thursday night.

In the midst of feeling sorry for myself, I suddenly remembered our little home grown bunch of bananas, our first ever.

Everyone had told me that I should cut the bunch off the tree instead of letting it ripen on the tree. Finally realizing that they weren't getting any bigger I did the deed.

Next, I thought that people had told me to put them in a bag to ripen. Well, several weeks later nothing happened! They were still green. So I finally took them out of the bag and threw them on the counter and bought regular store bought bananas at the feria. Well guess what? That did it! I think that being in the same proximity with the other mature bananas helped, my home grown ones started to turn yellow and ripen. They are only 4 inches long (10 cm). The one I ate just now was a little starchy but very banana like!

So the conclusion is you can definitely grow bananas at your house, here in Uruguay!

Next week, I will start posting something really good! A three part series (with pictures) on our recent trip to Rocha that Wally didn't cover. The light house at La Paloma, The Santa Maria Fort 
in San Antonio, The barra and coastline of La Pedrera and even better information and lots of pictures on the laguna at Rocha. These areas are really rather spectacular and I'm hard to please.
                                                                                                                                       However, for now, I'm slinking around in stress and sorry mode. I think I'll have one of my 4 inch bananas and dream about a better next week when I share my road trip with you guys.


  1. Denise,
    The last time you gave a bible presentation you did great, as I remember from watching the video Wally made. I am sure you will do just fine again -- and, besides, with your shiner everyone will be very forgiving! So you have nothing to worry about.

    Bananas in Uruguay? The land of enchantment just keeps getting more and more appealing all the time.

    Can't wait for the post on your trip -- with your photographic skills I am sure it will be something special to see.

    Keep smiling.. maybe no one will notice your shiner!

    Best regards,

  2. Phil,
    You made my day!

    Thanks for the encouragement. You're right, with my eye distracting everyone I'm a shoe-in for a successful talk.

    I'm glad you appreciated my banana update. I remember Wally being seriously worried about whether or not Uruguay had Potatoes! He said, that, would be the only thing hard to live without here. Of course, he now knows Uruguay has potatoes and rice and etc...The ferias (farmers markets) are wonderful here!

    Till next week, Ciao,

  3. Try letting a couple of your mini-bananas turn black, and then deep-fry them. The starchiness you described indicates that they might be plantains instead of bananas.

  4. The starchiness you mentioned indicates that they might be plantains instead of bananas. Try letting a couple of them turn completely black, and then deep-fry them.

  5. Your friends were right in telling you to cut the bananas (plantains) off the tree earlier.

    Here's an explanation of the banana ripening process:

  6. A small name correction is needed
    In my post I said, I will write about the Santa Maria fort that was wrong! It's called the Santa THERESA fort in Santa Teresa not San Antonio. The Fort is beautiful!
