Saturday, March 12, 2011


We had a little visitor, this morning. When I went out to open up the shutters, lo and behold, there was a little possum who had snuck in behind the shutters- probably to escape from the neighborhood dogs. He did not seem to be hurt, and has moved behind the open shutters and taken a little bread. I am sure he will find his way home, tonight, when it gets darker.

I also got a new one peso coin and this now features the armadillo (which in Uruguay is called a "mulita"). I have always thought of armadillos as being desert creatures, but apparently they can be found in Uruguay (I don't know where, however).


  1. It´s a possum not a racoon :)

  2. Yeah- you are right. The coloring on the face confused us. I always thought possom faces were almost all light colored, with no variation...... But it is a possum.

  3. Possum? Racoon?
    Please tell me I am not losing it,
    but when I read this article the last
    time I am almost certain that it
    said "badger"!

    It's a cute looking critter, however
    -- and I am sure more welcome than
    the last uninvited visitor (the one
    who left without his shoes)!

    -- Phil

  4. Yes, Phil- you are not going crazy (well, to be honest, I can't say that for certain). I edited the post to correct my erroneous identification of the animal. I had said it was a badger, but apparently it is a possum.....

  5. Its not a possum , nor a racoon, it is a local nocturnal animal called COMADREJA !


  7. A Comadreja (monodelphis dimidiata) is a possum species in South America. Note the following wiki reference:
