Friday, March 25, 2011

Propane Update!

Yesterday, I mentioned that the Propane worker's strike was over and we would have to "wait and see" when they would get around to filling orders again.

Well, you can imagine our surprise when the phone rang at 10:15 pm at night and they said "Garrafa!" That word, is what got through to us, while trying to figure out who was calling and why?

Oh! We finally understood, the company wanted to know if they could deliver our refill right then. So, at 10:25PM a motorcycle drove up our drive and by 10:30 we were gassed up. Oops , that didn't sound right, you know what I mean! The price of the refill was increased by UY $40 pesos (about $2 US). I don't know if this is the new increased price but the 3% increase in wages has to come from some where. For us, $2 is not too bad but I can see where that amount might be tough on some families.                                             

The funny thing is that back in the USA, 10:30 at night, might be considered too late to conduct business, but not here.  The company knows how important their product is and how their customers had been inconvenienced (without propane for a week) so here, they were taking the initiative in contacting  people and delivering what was needed. Wow! See, Uruguay can be customer oriented, I'm impressed!You can see in the photos how dark the nights are now. March 21, was the first official day of Autumn

 Forever, the picture taker and bold as all get out, I asked our delivery guy to pose with the tank.

Oh, was it too late at night to be calling us? Why no! We were just eating dinner! The 10/10:30 pm is a typical meal time here in Uruguay! See how well we are adapting?


  1. What company do you have? Cause we never got that call! xD the first time I hear something like that. it must be that they don't want you to get a bad impression of our country xDDD

  2. I'm amazed at some of the things I hear about Uruguay. Gas delivered to your door? Garbage men that will "look around" for your garbage bag tied to a tree? And then today I hear that doctors still make house calls in Uy! Oh my!

    I can remember the milk man coming to our house when I was a kid and once I had a vet that made house calls before he had his clinic up and running, but wow, the only guys that make house calls here in Oregon now are the guys that have to do something to your house!

    Anyway, thanks so much for your response to my earlier post. You may be able to tell from my delay in responding that I'm not online all the time (I do computer work all day, so logging on each night seems to be just way too much!) but I was very glad to see your response.

    Thanks, Denise! Have a great tomorrow!

  3. hello Wally and Denise
    Me nombre es...Clark Beelby. lol
    We are Canadians, planning to move to Urugay Nov 1st.
    I have been reading all I can on Uruguay and have come across your Blog.-finding it excellent!
    giving you my email address, hoping to keep in touch.

  4. Hey, your blog and life experience is awesome!

    In case you notice a massive number of visits in your blog, it's my fault, I've shared it in Twitter and Facebook!

    Keep on going! Nice work (although you're retired).



  5. Hey, your blog and life experience is awesome!

    In case you notice a massive number of visits in your blog, it's my fault, I've shared it in Twitter and Facebook!

    Keep on going! Nice work (although you're retired).



  6. Hi Denise,

    First of all, congratulaions on your blog!! I have read most of your post and find them interesting and encouraging. My name is Horacio and I am a Uruguayan currently living in New Orleans; my family and I are planning to move to Uruguay sometime this July. I have been away from Uruguay for eventeen years now an feel like one of the people you mention in one of your blogs: somebody who has lived abroad for so long that is afraid is moving back to an unkown land.... In any case, I want to ask you a favor: whether it is possible for you to answer some more specific questions such as Internet speed, crime rates, etc. BTW, are you living near Atlantida, bc we are moving to Parque del Plata. Looking forward to your answer (could pay for the info with an asado at our place in P del Plata!!!). My e-mail address is Thanks in advance!!!
