Monday, January 31, 2011

The Last Day of the First Month!

Yeah, I wasn't clever at all, in thinking up the title of this post. I just sort of wanted to quickly post 2 items pertaining to this month while I still could.

The first item, I want to mention is that, we did go to our 2nd Assembly day. Remember, I had said this was a busy month religious wise. January 16th, we went to see the two visiting guest speakers at our Assembly hall in Colon and a week later, we were back there again (Jan.23rd). This time for the entire day!

It was fun seeing other members on the road to the assembly hall. I still have to remind myself that this is a motorcycle prone country (for economic reasons) rather than a car based one. I usually spot other Jehovah's witnesses by their literature book bags that we lug around to our meetings.

For this assembly we sat inside this time.  This is us standing under the Scriptural Theme text for this Assembly day. I added the full-length shot so you can see it's in Spanish. (Still an adjustment for us)

The pictures were taken by a "Brother"(as we call our members) who I grabbed on the spot (I didn't know him). Afterward, I inquired about where he lived and he said Rocha! Realizing that was quite a distance away, I then asked how long it took him to get to the Assembly hall? After some back and forth discussion between his wife and him 4 to 5 hours (by rented bus) was offered up. The bus and driver were rented by the entire congregation. I gathered that it made a few stops along the way to pick up a few others hence the time discussion.

Afterward, at the days end, I ran outside to the parked bus area and managed to find Luis and his wife. I probably won't see them again for another 6 months (till the next assembly). Still it was nice meeting this sweet couple from Rocha! I decided to take their picture so I can remember their faces till we meet next time.
The second item, I'm squeezing into this post before this month ends is a visit we had yesterday from a married couple. They are checking out Uruguay as a possible retirement destination. Wayne and Janet live in Canada. They also have a second home in Florida USA. Janet works in the US sometimes and because Canada has some pretty cold winters the couple splits the year up by living 6 months in Canada and the other 6 month period in Florida. Sorry, I can't remember where in Canada they live but Janet says they live right by a lake.

So, why move here, when it sounds pretty nice living near a lake? Well, it's a lot of work closing up one house and then opening up the other. In the past I've known of others who have lived in places with extra cold winters who feel they need a winter retreat home. Janet likes sparsely populated areas so they won't be looking at Montevideo. She says they have done the raising goats and chicken thing (a lot of work) so the couple is not looking for the campo lifestyle either. They lived with those original goats etc... in a countryside Canadian setting but because they have to lock up their house and leave it abandoned for 6 months at a stretch, break-ins and robbery are worrisome. Eventually, they moved to a more populated Canadian area by the lake. It has a whopping 12 houses on the road. I did mention that although Uruguay is a relatively safe country break-ins are a big problem here too. However, they want to eventually live in only 1 place year round. The temperate year round climate is one of the things that made them think about Uruguay. They came here the second week in January and will be here through most of March.   If they fall in love with a home here then they will go back to Canada and sell and move here.

It's funny, how we met them yesterday. They have read our blog and have corresponded with us. We knew they were coming to Uruguay this month. I reread their e-mail and suddenly realized that they must be here already but they didn't have our telephone number or our address! Well, for diligent blog readers that's no problem! They decide to explore the area on foot. We had no idea they were coming. They didn't know if they would find us but took off walking anyway. They did know we lived in Marindia, that we lived near the water and that we had a VW Bug. What more does a person need in such a small country as Uruguay??? After, getting off the bus and then walking the beach. They decided to walk up a pretty road. They went to the end of the road then thought that they had better turn around and walk back down it before possibly getting lost. That's when Wayne saw the famous "Krispy Cream" parked in our driveway. He also saw the view toward the water. Both the view and our car have been in many posts. Apparently, I don't take many photos up the street so they had walked right by our house on the way up. Coming back down it was more recognizable.

So yesterday we had a surprize knock on the door and a pleasant visit. Of course, the house was a mess but Janet wants to visit us again anyway. We hope to hear if their house hunt goes well. They will be checking out the Sugar loaf development in Piriápolis. They also recognized (from a photo on our blog)  a duplex for sale in our area that was listed on the internet, so they may check that out. We always find visitors to Uruguay interesting, hearing about their lives. We also enjoy answering any questions they might have. I try and add tiny bits of female insights as well.

Here is Wally being informative.

Well, it's almost 9pm on the last day of the first month, so that about wraps it up for my post on Assembly days and visitors. We have one more month of summer down here in Uruguay. Wayne and Janet came during a great time of year, I know they will enjoy their time in Uruguay as much as we are enjoying it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Uruguayan House Part 2

Back in December our friends started building a house with some help, which I shared in "The Uruguayan Way". This morning they gathered friends again, to pour the floor. After pouring the foundation in December, they built up some stem walls, and filled in the void in preparation for this morning's work.

Again, a large group of friends was present, and this time we only had one small cement mixer to use. The second one had some electrical problems. But everyone pitched in and in no time the floor was underway. I was introduced to a young girl who is building a house with her "novio" near us, in Marindia Sur. So I will probably be working on that one, as well. Still, these projects are only half a day, with the large group of friends and everyone has a good time.

Here is Rodrigo, carrying an aluminum screed- all by himself.

Afterwards, there is an asado (BBQ) for the group. I am always invited, but usually too tired to attend. Over the next few months the immediate family will work to prepare for the next step. They will be building the walls. Also, money needs to be saved to pay for the materials, so the process is not quick. Probably the next group effort will be the roof. I am told that they will be using a system common in Brazil and am interested to find out about it.

The night before, we were invited over to Luisa and Jorge's house for dinner, at the usual time of 9 pm (yes this is the Uruguayan dinner time). Jorge prepared chinese food. Yes chinese food! In Uruguay! And he had a passable hot sauce that we enjoyed. Will wonders never cease?

Carolina, Luisa's and Jorge's daughter speaks perfect english. She has passed many exacting tests to be certified. She loves speaking english and it is so easy for us to rely on her. But Jorge is better than all of us. He kept making us speak spanish. "They will never learn the language if we speak english" he kept saying and so, whether we liked it or not, we were forced to learn more spanish. With good friends like Jorge, I am sure we will be doing better, soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Pool Party! (Almost)!

It's summertime here in Uruguay! We have had some Hot, Hot days with beautiful warm nights. Being right by the water we haven't considered owning a pool in order to cool off. In fact in a mere 3 minute walk, I can be down at the beach and go swimming there. However, that fact hasn't dissuaded the many people in my neighborhood from buying a pool. For them it rounds out the perfect vacation package. This area is a vacation spot. I'm just glad I own a home, whereas several people in my neighborhood have their second home here!

Summer as well as the various holidays throughout the year makes my neighborhood come alive! Whole families with grandchildren in tow start greeting each other in the streets and parties and asados are the order of the day. I guess that watching children swim on your own property is easier and safer than going down to the beach although I do see them troop down to it. Also, the sand brought back can be a bother too. Most of our neighbors can afford to buy a pool. Wally and I on the other hand are dead broke but happy! Being retired on a fixed income means we try and keep all monthly expenses down and the maintenance and cost of running a pool would be too much out of pocket for us.

The pools and installation here in Uruguay have caught my eye. They are a bit different than what we are used to in the western part of the USA. I qualify that because I believe that on the East coast of the USA due to snow, in-ground pools are not always the choice. Large above ground vinyl pools are in many backyards there.

The temperate climate in Uruguay, coupled with the mostly sand earth makes in-ground installations of pools the norm here. I am so tempted just now to make a joke, "How many Uruguayos does it take to dig a hole?" Answer?   Okay, it's not a real joke but look at the two pictures. My neighbor had a pool installed and I couldn't help but watch (and smile)!

The house on the corner has had a pool for years but just this month two people bought pools on our street. The neighbor across the street shown in the above photos and now the house right next to me. So I've been able to get a closeup look at the subject of pool delivery and installation without leaving my house. The average pool for sale here seems to be a fiberglass one. They are propped up in front of pool shops like giant billboard signs. They seem no deeper than 6 feet.
While there are some concrete pools here most average people get the fiberglass ones. Conventional heating systems or now available (some newly introduced) solar heating units keep them warm. You can choose from a chemical or salt water system to keep them clean. Some expats I know have a salt water system, one which they love and it helps them keep away from harsh chemicals.

Now, with some amusement and yes some envy, I hereby bring you the account (through pictures) of how we found ourselves with a pool in our backyard.....for all of 15 minutes!

Our neighbors entrance to his backyard was too small to bring a giant pool through so the delivery crew carried it through ours! I must admit it was exciting to see a pool being delivered to our house!

We now know that a pool can fit into our backyard, it just squeezed through our gate! The whole delivery crew and pool, now where is the water hose? Can't we just leave it here?

I thought that our (still non-planted) raised bed planters would be difficult to get around but no!

Before reaching our neighbor Sergio (the rightful owner) the pool had to pass into another neighbors yard. They sent me (Denise) the non-Spanish speaker, to explain the situation (in Spanish) to Carlos and ask permission to temporary set the pool in his backyard, He understood me. Whew! Since Sergio is well known and liked, Carlos immediately said "Sí'. 

I can't help but wonder? Is this a ploy to sell pools???  "Here, let us show you exactly what a pool will look like in your landscape, we have one"

This is the other neighbor, Carlos looking at the pool in his yard. He has a large yard. He now knows that a pool can fit in his yard and what it would look like there if, he should ever decide to buy one himself! The last 3 photos show where the pool is going to end up in. Sergio's yard, as seen from my roof, snoopy aren't I?  Let's hope this pool fits!!!  The last photo shows why the pool had to come up my driveway and through my yard. It couldn't fit under the carport of Sergio's cute (second) home.

Well, at least I don't have to imagine what it would be like getting a pool delivered to my house. I've already experienced it. Until my ship comes in (money-wise) I'm afraid, I'll just have to settle for swimming in this and it doesn't cost a thing!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kiss And Tell

The other day I (Wally) went to the feria (farmer's market) in Salinas. While waiting in line for my number to be called, a man nearby leaned over, gave me a kiss on the cheek and slipped 100 pesos into my pocket.

While that might not have raised an eyebrow in San Francisco or South Beach, Florida, it would certainly be unusual in most US cities. Actually, the 100 pesos would even be remarked upon in Uruguay. Here is what happened. The man was a painter who had done some work on the house last year. Hence the friendly greeting of a kiss. He neglected to come back for a few last touchups (which I overlooked), due to getting another job- hence the 100 pesos, by way of apology.

This did bring up the question of greeting with a kiss that is common here in Uruguay and also Argentina. In fact kissing is common in many countries, but the custom varies. Expats coming here are often surprised and flustered by this greeting. I remember during the first year we were here, I had arranged to meet an architect, to inspect the home we were about to buy. Though I had never met him personally, I had spoken and corresponded over many months, so I felt we knew each other. I thought that it would be appropriate to give him a kiss on the cheek when we met at the restaurant, prior to visiting the house. He had a beard, but that didn't deter me. Afterward, over coffee, he kindly explained that a handshake would have sufficed. Needless to say, I have tried to learn when and where a kiss was appropriate and when a handshake will do.

First of all, the kiss is not an "air" kiss. It is not sloppy, but it is definitely planted on the right cheek. A kiss is alway acceptable and even expected between members of the opposite sex. Men will always kiss women and vice versa. If you enter a large group, you may work your way around the gathering, giving a kiss to each in turn. Then, when you are seated, new arrivals work their way around to you. It often done when leaving, as well. Women always kiss women. But man to man- that is another story.

Generally men will kiss men if: they are workmates or friends (or I guess in the case of my painter) you have some previous relationship. Apparently meeting someone for the first time in a restaurant is not one of those situations. It is common to visit a grocery store, and see male employees arriving for work and going about kissing all of their fellow employees, male and female. Or seated on a bus, arriving passengers will often greet others with a kiss. Just about anyplace that friends meet, they will greet each, with a kiss on the cheek.

Even when you make friends, a kiss may be appropriate only for closer friends (or obviously family members). Since my wife and I are Jehovah's Witnesses and our association are all brothers and sisters, technically, I would greet all the brothers with a kiss. In fact, however, usually only those we associate with closely expect it. It is sometimes awkward to greet a brother and not know if you feel close enough to kiss or not. There are even a few of the sisters who proffer a hand, rather than receive a kiss, though children (boys and girls) would not think of shaking hands, rather than give a greeting kiss.

This custom was not always practiced so widely in Uruguay. It gained more acceptance within the past 20 years or so. Some have told me that it was due to the influence of Daytime Soap Operas from Argentina, which featured this and others have mentioned the influence of Italian relatives (85% of Uruguayans have some Italian lineage). Whatever the case, whatever the cause- kissing is here and it is here to stay. It is good to know how, who and when to kiss when meeting people.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Visiting Speakers!

This month we are keeping busy with religious events. I've mentioned before that we attend a local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. This has helped us immensely with making new friends here in Uruguay and bonding with this country. Uruguay is a place where family and friendship take precedence over the material, commercial side of life. Wally and I have no family here except for each other so friendship is important to us. It keeps us from feeling isolated and removes the "foreigner" stigma from us as we have been fully accepted into our local group.

This last Sunday, everyone made sure that we understood (we are still language challenged) that the meeting schedule had changed. We all went instead to our Assembly Hall in the town of Colon to attend a 2 hour gathering. We would be listening to 2 visiting speakers passing through on a tour of South American countries (Paraguay was next on the tour). Next weekend we will be returning to this same site for a regularly scheduled 1 day Special Assembly Day. I told you this is a busy month for us.

This weekend, one of the speakers was Brother Thomas (that's what we call each other, Brother or sister depending) He is living in the Dominican Republic serving at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses represented there. He is a fluent Spanish speaker so to be honest, I didn't understand everything he said.

I did enjoy however being outside with the overflow crowd sitting under the shade of the trees with my new core group of friends!
I was happy when our friends saw us trying to find them and sent Luisa running after us to show us where (what tree) our group was sitting under. There was a crowd out there on the lawn.

5,000 plus people were in attendance that morning. We were assigned to the morning session. A different group would hear the same talks repeated in the afternoon. There are a little over 11,600 active Witnesses in Uruguay (we don't baptize babies so the attendance would be higher) the second session would accommodate the rest. Some witnesses would have to travel quite a distance to attend as evidenced by the many hired bus lines in the parking lot. Whole congregations will get together and rent a bus and driver for an event or day and the buses stay parked in the lot.

You can see some of the hired buses behind this new dating couple  Andrea and Adrian. How cute with their almost matching names!
Witnesses know that interfaith relationships are fraught with extra hardships so they try and date "only in the Lord". This way a marriage can be built and strengthened through common grounds. We will try and keep an eye on these two and see what the future holds as to any permanent union. As a side note Jehovah's Witnesses do not have sex before marriage! Yeah, Chastity rules!

The second guest speaker was Brother John Larson. He was visiting from the main headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is the Printery Overseer. The printery used to be called the factory but is now called the printery because it is a more accurate statement of what is produced there and doesn't have such commerical connotations (all work is voluntary there).

In addition to being known for world wide preaching efforts (preaching in over 235 lands), the organization is a Bible and tract society. The publications are not for sale but are provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. The society prints millions of Bibles in different languages, often being in the forefront of getting obscure dialects researched and then providing Bibles and literature in people's native tongues. The Watchtower is published in 174 languages with new issues every month. Have you ever heard of Bicol, Efik, Hiri Moto, Lunda, Luo, Silozi? Even Solomon Island Pidgin is published besides the more familiar languages to us. Many native Indian tribes, and island nations can now read along with us in their own written language. The printery overseer keeps the presses going in a literal, mechanical sense.  As a non-native Spanish speaker (He and his wife are still learning) I was able to understand his discussion quite well. The choice of words, pace and slight American accent actually helped me to follow along better.  John Larsons theme was "What sort of persons are we". Stating that, some people look at themselves in the mirror (James chapter 1 verses 22-25) then walk away, promptly forgetting what sort of men they are. We should become doers of the word not hearers only.

We were encouraged to follow along in our Bibles. Luisa and hubby Jorge doing just that (notice the mate thermos on the ground, a benefit with sitting outside). We are in Uruguay. 

Scriptures included 1 Thessalonians 1:5 and  2 Peter 3:11-13. Each scripture emphasized the sort of person we should be and that talk is not enough but actions and conduct has to be holy too. I was just amazed that I could finally listen with ease to a talk. He of course apologized for talking like a ten year old, While I was grateful. Afterward, I went up and thanked him and met his wife, Tamara (pictured here).

He was married in 1982 and Wally and I were in New York ourselves in the same Branch office as volunteers back then. We worked in the domestic side of the headquarters. I was a house keeper and Wally a carpenter in Bethel (translation, the house of God) Brother Larson, as mentioned, worked in the printery portion so we only knew him by name and sight. Still it was nice to see a familiar face from some 30 years ago. 

On the way home, it was fun seeing all of the brothers and sisters that had attended the morning session, riding back home on their motor cycles dressed in there Sunday best. This is Uruguay after all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tax Time in Uruguay

It is time for the real estate tax, or Contribucion as they like to call it. I like the Uruguayan way. It sounds like I have voluntarily decided to support my local infrastructure. But taxes have gone up, this year. Instead of $481 (2010), this year's taxes are $517 (up $36 for those of you who are math challenged, or too lazy to get a calculator). Now, keep in mind that this includes trash pickup, twice (sometimes 3 x's a week). When you consider that, it is quite a bargain, no?

Also, for being a good taxpayer last year, I was given a discount and for paying all at once for this year, another discount. I actually saved over $100 for being responsible. So, paying on time, pays well in Uruguay.

This past few days, I have spent a few hours painting some of the areas that have been peeling for the past few years. Every time Denise looked at her bathroom, where water damage had caused some paint problems, she quietly raged. In less than 2 days, I have managed to clear up all the little problems that have bothered her for years. The good side is that she is happy with the improvement- the bad side is that having taken only hours to accomplish "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THIS BEFORE NOW!!!???" Well, all's well that end's well. This this year is starting out right. Let's see if we can keep it up.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friends Into The New Year!

Felicitaciones, Hugo Y Carolina!

Anoche, (last night) Wally and I were pleased to be able to attend our dear friend's second wedding anniversary party!  In keeping with our new Uruguayan, low key life style we walked to their house. It was a beautiful, milky way starry night and the weather was clear and warm. Being such a lovely evening the party was held outside in the private front yard. Benches, patio lights and a television were set up under the porch to play music and to be used later.

Not really knowing the custom of gift giving on such occasions here in Uruguay we decided to get something anyway since these two are extra special to us. Okay, we got the little gift at Tienda Inglesa a large supermarket/ house wares store that caters to expats, in that they sell imported condiments and other food and trinkets not necessarily available at other local establishments. Since it is only a few weeks past the holiday season the store still had their free gift wrapping station up, how convenient for us! Okay, I will also admit that we got the gift with our Tienda Inglesa store points, so basically we got the gift free and wrapped for free! Hey, I told you we are finally getting the hang of living here in Uruguay! This is also a blog on retirement so I try  to be educational about living on a budget! I hope you don't mind this revelation Hugo and Carolina. I know you read these posts. Hey, it's the thought that counts, No?

Hugo and Carolina, you might remember from a post last month. Wally and several other friends gathered to help the couple, put in the footers, for their first house together (it is being built in stages) as money allows. What used to be called the "American Dream" that of home ownership is considered just plain common sense here in Uruguay. If you can afford it, then build, as the cost for renting just doesn't make sense if you can manage to own instead. That sounds obvious but back in the USA before the foreclose mess a lot of US friends I knew had what is called renters mentality. They would think about buying something, then drive their realitors crazy and never decide on anything to buy. Many are more comfortable with renting than home ownership perhaps a wise decision for them but not understood here where most homes until recently were built and brought without morgages but with cold hard cash!. In my neighborhood here in Marindia we are one of the few who doesn't own a second house, as this is considered a vacation spot.

Getting back to the party and our learning curves. The gift was opened quickly in a private corner away from the others and we were thanked. We saw that a gift was not expected, good to note. We brought a plate of tapas/ entradas, or hors d'oeuvres, they were appreciated. We also brought a few hamburger patties and buns.  The buns were cut up small and passed around with our little tapas (Cheese, olives and cold-cuts) but the meat was frozen and returned to us at the end of the evening. We now know, this was not an Asado gathering. Apparently we didn't need to bring "dinner food" to this gathering. 

 The hostess (Mother of the wife) our good friend Luisa, also turned down help. She wanted to treat all the guests as guests! Each plate of bit sized finger food was passed, one at a time, to all the people in attendance. Ours with the now, ripped up hamburger buns.

After the plates of little foods were consumed, the couple had us gather to watch a video montage of their life together as a married couple. I was pleased as punch to see myself and Wally in a picture or two. It made us really feel like part of their life!

We met Hugo's parents and were invited one weekend to joined Hugo at their house. They live in El pinar a few towns away so that will be a nice visit and post one day. 

After wards all the young people and Me (ha ha) gathered in a circle and danced the night away.

Wally and I left before the lovely cake (made by an another attendee) was cut. That was good as I need to lose a huge amount of weight (my goal this year). After the party we walked back home and talked under the stars, a truly lovely night to remember.  Congratulations, Hugo and Carolina on your wedding anniversary and many more happy years together!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Free Golf At Last!

Today was the second time I went into Montevideo and tried to get the free golf on Monday that is supposed to be available at Punta Carretas Golf Club. It was actually a month ago that I first tried, and that time the course was closed. Having some business at the embassy, this morning (regarding social security), I took my clubs with me and planned to try after my appointment. The club is just a few blocks from the embassy.

I parked a few blocks away, loaded my clubs on my little pull cart, got my shoes on and walked up the street to the club entrance, fully expecting to be turned away. After all, who really expects free golf? At the gate, the guard smiled, wished me good morning and I headed up to the clubhouse. I was directed to the club director and inquired about playing. He said just go ahead. Looking around, there were probably about 5 people I could see playing on the 3-4 holes visible from the clubhouse. There was nobody at tee number 1, so I stepped up, teed up the ball and let her rip. I actually started out quite well, especially since it has been 5 years or so since I have actually swung a club. Just one practice swing, and about 200 yards, slightly to the left, but in the fairway. I kept playing pretty well for myself, about 2 over par on most holes, a couple of 1 overs and one par on a par 5 hole.

On hole #4, I caught up with a young man named Gabriel, and we played out the front 9 together. He was an agronomy engineer, and had quit his job about 6 months ago to take a 4 month trip to Australia, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, with friends. His friends had graduated as architects and it is customary that an architect graduate to take 4-8 months international travel, learning about various styles of building. He went along as the opportunity presented itself, knowing he could always get a job, but wouldn't always have the opportunity to travel to those exotic locations. He was a pretty good golfer and a member of the club.

The course itself tends to be dry in the fairways. There are Rainbird watering systems, but probably not used as often as a course in the States. However, around the green it was nice and well kept and I found the course challenging. Of course, after 5 years, I would have found miniature golf challenging. But I think any golfer would enjoy the course. Mostly flat (as is Uruguay) and only 1 water hazard, the course is laid out pretty straight, with only 4-5 doglegs. The course is 6,340 yards long and the approaches to the green were carefully marked for distance, so it was easy to play. The course is full of birds. There are these little "mini herons" (I don't know what they actually are), that walk and strut all over the fairways. There are also dozens and dozens of bright green parrots, loudly laughing at my bad golf shots (at least that is what I think they were talking about). The course has beautiful views of the city and the beaches.

Now, did I play 18 holes? No, I only played 16 before this weakened old body finally said "Enough!" My Dad, on the other hand, plays 3 or more rounds of golf each and every week; sometimes in temperatures above 110ºF and he is about 80 thousand years old (way over 80). I honestly don't know how he does it. Anybody who thinks that golf is not serious exercise needs to come over here and I will soundly thrash the living daylights out of them (of course in my condition, that will probably result in a mild tap or two). Every bone and every muscle in my body is crying out "Why me?!" I could have stopped at 9 holes.Gabriel left after the first 9.  I should have stopped at 9 holes. I wanted to. But did I mention that it was free, and I am cheap? In my younger days (about 15 years ago), I could play 2 rounds of golf in one day (36 holes), walking the course and carrying the bag. Today, 16 was the limit, and I had a pull cart to help with the bag. I almost played 18, since I had to walk back that way, anyway, but reason prevailed and I didn't. I found a nice shady bench and sat for a while in the cool breezes and when I was rested, headed on home.

The rumor of free golf, has now been put to rest. It is real and you don't have to sneak onto the course. They know all about it. So if things are going to smoothly for you- if things are working out quite well- if you find yourself enjoying life in a comfortable setting- why not chuck all that aside, and stop by the golf course on some Monday and have a nice game of golf- for free!