Saturday, September 4, 2010

Santa Rosa Storm and the Assembly

Today was the first time that I have seen the sun in a week. With that statistical evidence, Stephen Hawking would probably surmise that the sun doesn't exist, but that is another matter. I couldn't figure out why it has been raining since last Saturday, almost non-stop. Then someone mentioned the annual storm that usually falls around the "Feast of Santa Rosa" and then I remembered.

For the past month, we have been handing out invitations in our local territory, as have the others, throughout the country. And yesterday was the first day of our 2010 District Assembly. It poured rain in the morning. Naturally, we got everything together and slogged our way to the assembly- Not! Sorry. We decided to take in Friday at one of the following assemblies. They are held every weekend from now, through October at the Assembly Hall in Colon. However, it was reported that there was one intrepid motorcyclist who braved the weather to attend yesterday's session. All I can say is wow! But today was much milder, so we attended and we were able to receive a new publication.

Sitting through about 6 hours of instruction, with limited language skills is difficult, to say the least. I have a lot more empathy for immigrants to the US, many of whom come there with little or no English. We, at least, have a support system with our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom Hall. There are talks and demonstrations on various subjects. Some are of general interest and some will be of more interest to active Witnesses, but we are now able to get the theme of the talks and many of the points, though some of the parts just go right over our head. It is almost as if they are speaking a foreign language...

For any local readers who wish to see what an assembly is like, the sessions start at 9:20 in the morning, with a one hour lunch break and continue until 5:00 in the evening and 4:00 on Sunday. Entrance and parking is free and no donations are solicited (you can look carefully and find discrete boxes, if you wish) and visitors can come and take in any part of the program that they might enjoy. On Sunday, in the morning session, there is a full dress drama. Denise and I have participated in 2 of these dramas over the years. Just for fun, I have included two pictures of us in drama costumes. The one on the left (with matching hot pink outfits was from Hawaii) and the one on the left is from Guam. For some reason I was always cast as a bad guy who was either kicked out of town or stoned to death. I hope that is not type casting.

For those interested, the address of the assembly is:
Salon de Asamblea de Los Testigos de Jehova
Cesar Mayo Gutierrez 2645

Well, we are getting to bed early tonight, and hoping for sun again tomorrow (weather report shows a good chance). It looks like the Santa Rosa Storm is winding down. We will, however be wearing regular clothes and not our costumes.....

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