Thursday, July 15, 2010

Field Service

Witnesses call going door to door, "field service". The "field" being our territory. However, this past weekend, we enjoyed field service in a real field. We went with the group to work outlying territory in the campos, or rurals. Is there any difference between field service in the US and that in Uruguay?

There are a just a few differences, really. One is very interesting. When you meet together before field service, you kiss (on the cheek) each one of the participants (hermanos y hermanas). This, of course, is not limited to Witnesses. The common greeting here is a kiss on the cheek (men shake hands, unless they are good friends or workmates). Then, after several hours of working, and before you go home, you kiss each and everyone goodbye. I don't remember doing that in the US- a handshake was the best you got, or just a brief wave "hello". So that is a positive difference.

The other difference is that you never approach a door and just knock. Uruguayans are very territorial, so the best you can do is get as close to a house as is reasonable and clap your hands. This makes is very easy to be "not home" even if you "are home". I much prefer being able to walk up to the door and knock, but we will get used to clapping.

Overall, we had a wonderful day. Denise actually spoke with a few people (she has no fear) while I found nobody at home. But it was fun working with the group. Since few have cars, and rely mostly on bicycles or motorcycles, we crowded 3 in the back seat of the "bug". Too bad the camera chose that moment to die, or you would have seen the answer to the riddle, "How are Jehovah's Witnesses like a can of sardines?


  1.'s good to see you "doing something" constructive for a change....and, oh, quite dapper in a suit and tie :)) Hi Denise.


  2. I have to get out of my pajamas sometimes.....

  3. Wally and Denise ...

    I would like to retire to Uruguay too. I live in the Netherlands. I have a connexion to Uruguay (my father was on the HMS Exeter in 1939 and involved in the Battle of the Rio de la Plata with the Admiral Graf Spee). Before I retire to Uruguay, I plan a visit within the next year.

    Is there a source about renting apartments or homes in Uruguay and about the correct protocol and residency permits with the government (and of course things like health insurance). Can you offer any suggestions?

    Thanks ...

    Dave C

  4. Dave C- if you will post another comment, with your email address, I will respond. I will not publish your email.
