Thursday, September 10, 2009

Barney Has Arrived

Today was feria day and besides toilet paper, paper towels, flour and assorted pastas, Denise brought home a little puppy. We had been talking about getting a dog for some time, now and I guess she just figured it was time. Looks kind of labrador"ish", don't you think?

Denise has this thing about the "universe" giving her things and she just has to take them. In this case the "universe" turned out to be a very sharp lady at the feria, giving pups away, and despite Denise's objections, she handed her the dog and made away; Denise standing with the puppy in a box and muttering something like, "I'll think about it...." Who was the smartest one in that transaction?

"Universe": 1 - Denise: 0

We will call him Barney, and even though I have had no say in the matter, I'm sure he will work out well for us. He got his first bath, today and also got in his first fight with Nathan (the cat). It was a short lived battle, with Nathan taking some kind of a swipe at him and Barney raising a howl that I heard from the opposite side of the house in the front courtyard. Welcome to your new home, Barney- it can only get better from here on out.

Speaking of things getting better- the weather has been getting better and better. I guess you would say we have entered into Spring and if today is any indication- I'm going to love this Spring. Sunny, warm (60's) and with a slight breeze- does it get any better? Probably, yes- in the summer. Anyway for now, we are full up on the pet scene. One dog, one cat- and a highly domesticated husband.

1 comment:

  1. Barney??? is a uruguayan dog, barking in uruguayan spanish, call him Barnito and he understand.
    And ya, the spring begun, but, what happend whit the winter?? cloudy, rainy and cold, very cold, is the best part of the year!!sleeping like a bear aroun the fire place.
    So, congratulation for the dog, and keep the blog, is great.
    Sorry for my english and
