Saturday, June 13, 2009

Year One

Well, this will be a short post without pictures. Sorry- just not much more to post. But yesterday we did pass our first year mark in Uruguay. No fanfare, no fireworks. In fact, without a car and in cold weather, not even a trip out to a restaurant.

But we did reflect on the progress we have made here. Residency acquired, house purchased and almost all of our planned renovations completed. We are a few days away from having the house painted and all of our outdoor projects done. The next week will see significant progress on the kitchen.

All-in-all, as we sit in our warm house in our new little country- we are well satisfied with the choices we have made. We can hardly wait to see what happens in year two.


  1. Wally and Denise, a very happy anniversary in Uruguay. May you have many more ( and still be pleased with your choice). I like reading your blog and seeing your positive attitude towards life. You seem to be " half-full" glass kind of people,:).
    Congratulations again and regards,

  2. Any way to contact both of you off the web?

  3. If you make an anonymous post again, with you email address and a request that it not be posted, I will respond and not publish the post.
