Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ton o' Wood

We bought a literal ton of wood, today. We knew that we needed to supplement our vast stock of pine wood, so that we don't build up dangerous deposits in the chimney. So we found a source of eucalyptus firewood. It is the first time that we have ever purchased wood in any quantity.

First we had a small concrete floor and walls built to hold the wood. Of course, we had no idea at all how much wood was in a metric ton, but we had it built so it looked like we could store a substantial amount of wood. It turned out that the storage we had built was an exact match. Each side holds about 500 kilos (1/2 ton US), so the ton of wood fit exactly into the space. I am sure that the guy who delivered the wood and stacked it into our wood area thought we knew exactly what we were doing (he couldn't have been more wrong).

We shopped all over and Syd and Gundy (expats from Atlantida) helped us find the wood for 1900 pesos/metric ton (around $80). Could we have found it cheaper? Yes- but many were charging 1/3 to 1/2 again as much, so we were happy with what we found.

Now we can burn pine during the daytime, and burn a hotter and longer lasting fire at night- the perfect mix. Judging from the size of a metric ton- I would say we have about 2-3 tons of pine left, so we are set for the winter. Good thing, because temperatures are down into the upper 30's overnight for the next couple of days. But who cares when you have a nice warm fire going and wood to last the winter?

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