Friday, March 27, 2009

Visitors From Mexico

The visitors from Mexico came back again. They are the ones who have found a beautiful 300 sq. meter, house with swimming pool for the ridiculous price of $53K, near the river in Parque del Plata. It is the deal of the century. Now they are traveling back to the US to get all of their paperwork in order for residency and have put up their property in Mexico to sell. They already signed the contract for this Uruguayan house and will close in 90 days. They were even faster than us!

We made our appointment for our cedula, yesterday. Even though it is the beginning of Fall, the city keeps the public areas planted with flowers, as you can see here. When we got the the office, we had to spend less than 30 minutes. They filled out the form, took picture and fingerprints and they will issue the cedula next week. Interesting that the cedula (national ID) is normally issued in your birth certificate name. So Denise would have had a cedula with her maiden name on it. However, you can get your married name, but you have to provide a certified UY marriage license (which we had optained) and so now her official name in UY is: Denise de Glass (they had to add the "de"). Every three years, when she renews the cedula, we will have to obtain a new certified copy of the marriage license (they want to make sure you are still married and not divorced). So this ID has marital status, photos, fingerprints- pretty much everything about you. When the cedulas are issued next week, we can apply to have the deposit returned for the goods we had shipped in.

Busy week here but things are beginning to get finished.


  1. Hi Wally! Husband and I are in Memphis, TN but yearning for the day when he retires and we can finally make our way to Uruguay! Your blog is soooo informative and entertaining! I'm curious as to how you found an architect to draw up your house plans and what made you decide to buy existing and rebuild rather than building from the ground up on an empty lot. Congrats on your progress on your new home!

  2. Deb- my wife pointed out that I never answered this post. We bought an existing house because we didn't think we could wait to move into a house in a hotel or rental. In hindsight that would not have been so bad. Also, we would have had to find a lot with a neighborhood surrounding it that would have been as nice as this one.
